Логотип компании Delivery Animal

Dog Adaptation After the Flight

Delivery of a dog from abroad is inevitably associated with long journeys or flights. In our articles, we have already talked about the preparation of a dog for transportation on a plane and by car. Another important topic is the adaptation of the animal after a trip or flight.

Conventionally, the actions of the owner after the flight can be divided into two stages:

  •  Actions after arrival at the airport of the target country.
  •  Actions after arrival at a new home.

What to do at each stage – we will tell below!

What should be done immediately after arrival?

So, the plane has landed, you have passed passport control – and it’s time for the dog. Your actions:

  • Get ​​a cage/carrier with a pet at the oversized baggage claim. Immediately (this is important!) inspect the container and assess the animal’s condition. If there are complaints, fix them immediately, involving representatives of the airline.
  • Calm the animal by establishing contact with it. You should not open the cage yet. It may be prohibited by airport rules. In addition, a stressed animal may run away.
  • Pass veterinary control at the airport of arrival. The speed of passage depends on the airport and the readiness of documents.

Note! If the flight is long, the animal probably needs a short toilet visit. Ask the airport staff where you can get this opportunity.

Some advice from zoopsychologists. After picking up the carrier with the animal, do not leave the dog alone for a long time. The repeated stress of parting can be much more difficult for an animal to endure.

What do you need to do upon arrival home?

So, you landed and passed the veterinary control or arrived at a new place – the dog will have to spend quite a long time here. The task of the owner is to simplify the adaptation process and make it as comfortable as possible for the dog. Action plan:

  • Conduct a tour, literally “by the hand” leading the dog through the new house, showing and naming (this is important!) all the main places.
  • Meet family members and other pets. A brief introduction will suffice.
  • Show where the dog’s place will be. Even if you have already chosen a place for a lounger in a common area, you can provide a temporary shelter for the first time in a separate room so that the dog is less disturbed.

Note! If there are small children in the house, explain in every possible way that the dog is tired after the flight, and excessive attention can harm it. Encourage the children to let the dog rest. Also, protect the dog from the attention of other pets – the psyche after the move/flight is not stable. Therefore acquaintance can lead to conflict.

Show your dog where it can have some food. The water bowl should be full – the animal is most likely thirsty. You can immediately offer a treat, after a while – food.

The minimum program is done. Then you need to leave the dog alone and let it rest. At the same time, you should be present in the room – so the animal will not feel abandoned. It is worth taking the next two or three days off – it will be easier for the dog to adapt to a new place if you are nearby.

Next, simply monitor the dog’s condition and correct its behavior. After the initial adaptation, it is worth taking the dog to the veterinarian, who will be its permanent doctor. The specialist’s task is to ensure that everything is in order with the dog and that the flight or relocation has not caused damage to its health.

Appropriate preparation for the transportation of a dog, proper relocation (it is better to entrust this stage to professionals), and the right adaptation guarantee that the stress from the moving will be minimal!

Have you decided to move your beloved pet to another country?

Don’t waste time, fill out the application right now! Or write to us on Telegram – the application will be processed as soon as possible.